Summer’s here and the time is right

Time is a strange concept in a corporate.

It’s mostly glacial, but then you look back and wonder where it’s gone.

Despite July signalling the start of 2H, nothing really gets done much before before September, when panic sets in as the race for year end begins.  What was in that annual plan again?

Time flies when you’re having fun. And even when you’re not.

I stayed in my old job years longer than I should have.  And when I look back, I think I was waiting for something to happen. Something or someone to decide my fate. I’d become far too passive in my own future.

Mostly on autopilot.   Punctuated by a bout of soul-searching and escape-planning.

The summer holidays were when I did most of the latter.  Partly because I got away for a holiday – and partly because nothing much gets done before September.

So there was time. But generally, not much action.

Andy Warhol summed it up:

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”

Quite. It’s on us.

A few of my guests on the Corporate Escapology podcast have observed how a corporate employer can be a bit like a parent – setting the rules, doling out the carrots (and sticks), marking your performance.  “Father/Mother” knows best.

My teenage kids fight me for independence, but when they were younger, they mostly got what I decided for them.  Bar the odd tantrum, they complied.

And for a long time in my job I did the same (only a few tantrums).  I think of it now as outsourcing my future: “They knew best. Surely?”

They had those career conversations with peers about my next role, promotion prospects, potential projects.  I can imagine the conversations all too well, because I joined many of those leadership team meetings where we talked about other people:  “I’m not sure he’s ready”, “she has a young family”, “they’ve plateaued”.

Fates decided in absentia.

How very dare we?

I’ve woken up now – and I’m on a mission to give back control to people who’ve ceded too much to others, who may not have their interests at heart, who may not even know them that well, who may be making false judgements about what they want, what is good for them and what they’re capable of.

If this is you, you could do worse than join my Group Coaching Call, starting on Tuesday July 16th (7-8pm BST) and for the following four weeks.  We’ll work through the Escape Method with some new exercises to help you get prepared – and use the summer to put you back in the driving seat of your future.  Eight out of the 10 spaces are gone and today’s the last day, but I’ve already got a waitlist for September for those who couldn’t make it.

England is in the final of the Euros so anything can happen.

But don’t leave your fate to someone or something else.

Take action. Use the summer holidays to invest in your future.

I’ve heard more bleak news this week about some major corporate restructures. I really do sympathise, it’s extremely unsettling.  But trying to avoid HR’s ‘in scope’ spreadsheet isn’t really a strategy.  Could you use it as an opportunity to get somewhere that you can thrive?

If I can help, do drop me a line. It might be your first step to taking back power.

If you’re planning to work through Corporate Escapology over the summer holiday, do let me know what you think – and if it’s FIVE STAR positive I’d love a review on Amazon please!  It was ‘Most Gifted’ on Amazon for Career Guides this week which was lovely to see – so if you know someone struggling at work, undervaluing themselves, feeling trapped, buy them a copy – or tell them to buy their own!

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